Prayer vigil shuts down brothel

Written by Admin 2 20 Sep 2012

Elyse knew she needed to do something. Her world was turned upside down by a DVD she watched on human trafficking. Together with two Operation Mobilisation team mates, she jumped into the car and headed to a brothel 10 minutes away. ‘Our plan that night was just to go out and pray,’ explains Elyse. ‘But we soon realized it was more serious than we knew and we decided to come back every single night.’ Thus began a month of prayer, with a small group posted across the street from the brothel each night, praying for those inside. A month after praying began, the signs were removed, a notice was put on the door and the brothel was shut down. The team couldn’t believe it at first; they continued to pray another night before actually reading the sign on the door that confirmed it.

Praise: God for how He speaks to us and teaches us how to pray. (1Pet.4:11)
