Prayer Spaces in Schools'

Written by Admin 2 12 Jan 2012

‘Prayer Spaces In Schools’ are enabling children to explore faith and spirituality in a safe, creative and interactive way. In the UK, prayer spaces are spreading fast. Schools and youth workers say these creative, prayer/reflective spaces provide simple effective ways to communicate and to welcome young people into experiences of Christian faith. Teachers say prayer spaces fit well with different curriculum areas - R.E. and Citizenship being the most obvious but not the only ones. There were 6 prayer spaces in 2008, 12 in 2009, 48 in 2010 and 92 in 2011. There are others known about but not officially recorded. A Conference in London promoting Prayer Spaces in Schools attracted 110 teachers, schools and youth workers; and there were training events in Aberdeen and Belfast that helped speed up the spread of prayer spaces in Scotland and Ireland.

Praise: God for the growing number of prayer spaces being hosted in schools, and may He continue to anoint organisers as they develop new resources in 20212 (Ps.8:2)
