Post Trumpet Call update

Written by Admin 2 20 Jun 2013

In Birmingham last weekend In Birmingham last weekend1100 intercessors prayed for the British Isles in the midst of brokenness. There were awesome moments as different groups gathered at the Cross during the day, under 30s, people from nations outside the UK and those praying for the return of prodigals. Within hours of that heart cry the following message was sent to the World Prayer Centre from a church leader in East Sussex. ‘Well, we had 7 prodigals this morning - 3 said ‘I'm coming home’ - and 11 fatherless teens off the estate turned up out of the blue - never been in church before. Just happened to be the Father’s Day special and probably 90% were from awful home situations. God moved in very deep ways! Such mind blowing stuff happening and electric atmosphere! Let us thank God together and let us continue to press in to Him as we boldly go out to proclaim His goodness to a broken and hurting world. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!' To continue to pray into Trumpet Call’s 30 day prayer vigil click on the link below

Praise: and give thanks to God for answered prayer, and a clear prophetic message to the church to stand up and proclaim Biblical truths as He leads us to build and to plant. (Jer.1:10)
