Philippines: Faith group wants to help government fight graft

Written by Admin 2 14 Aug 2010

Buoyed by a new president who has been exposing corruption, religious leaders in northern Philippines want to battle sleaze at the local level. ‘President Benigno Aquino III has shown he meant business in fighting graft, which inspires us as church leaders to do our part in helping to bring about righteous governance,’ said the Rev Dr Simplicio Dang-awan Jr of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Dang-awan was on 10 August addressing his partners in the Baguio-Benguet Ecumenical Group, an organization that brings together Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders, and a Muslim imam. (Graft- the misuse of public money for private gain poses a very grave challenge to national development in the Philippines, and the magnitude of the problem is staggering.) See Prayer Alert 3010

Praise: God that people in authority, used by God to bring about His purposes, and continue to pray for leaders wherever they are. (1Tim.2:1-4)
