Christian volunteer wins compensation for arrest over silent prayer

Written by David Fletcher 22 Aug 2024
Christian volunteer wins compensation for arrest over silent prayer

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a Christian charity volunteer, has won £13,000 in compensation and received an apology after being wrongfully arrested twice for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in a 'buffer zone' - an area designated to prevent actions that may intimidate women entering the clinic. Her first arrest occurred in November 2022, but she was cleared of charges in February 2023 when prosecutors failed to present evidence. Despite this, she was arrested again for the same action weeks later. Supported by ADF International, she pursued legal action against the police, citing wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, and human rights violations. Although grateful for her vindication, Vaughan-Spruce expressed concern that Christians should not have to fight for their rights in such a manner. Her case emerges as government ministers review police guidelines, potentially redefining the legal standing of 'silent prayer' near abortion clinics across England and Wales.

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