Prince of Peace appeared to Muslim in dramatic dream

Written by David Fletcher 22 Aug 2024
Prince of Peace appeared to Muslim in dramatic dream

Hassan, raised in a strict Muslim household in Lebanon, experienced a tumultuous childhood marked by abuse from his father and later from his radical Muslim stepfather. Seeking acceptance, he delved into Islamic philosophy, even persecuting Christians he encountered. However, a traumatic moment when he witnessed a murder led him to question his faith. This inner turmoil culminated in a dream where Jesus appeared, offering him peace. Initially confused, Hassan spent years searching for meaning, even attempting to convert to Judaism. A turning point came when a friend invited him to a Christian baptism, where he encountered the love of Christ through the congregation. A vision of the cross and a pastor's prophetic message profoundly moved him, leading to his conversion. Today, Hassan leads Christ is Enough Ministries in Montreal, where he shares the Gospel, particularly with Muslims, using his deep understanding of Islam to contrast it with the love and peace he found in Jesus.

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