Historic non-stop prayer sweeps Muslim Indonesia

Written by Super User 08 Aug 2013

A powerful prayer movement is rising in the world's largest Muslim nation. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Indonesian Christians intercede for their country. It was a scene never witnessed before in Indonesia's history. ‘I don't know another nation on earth like Indonesia where the church has become so passionate and united in prayer,’ Tom Victor, with the American-based Great Commission Coalition, said. Last year, more than 9,000 Christians from around the world descended on the Indonesian archipelago for a massive prayer gathering led by scores of Indonesian churches united to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted. Dr. Bambang Widjaya was a key architect of the event. ‘We can see the zeal, not only among the evangelical or Pentecostals, but also in the mainline churches and Catholic that we need to spread the Good News of Christ all over the country,’ Widjaya said. (See Prayer Alert 20-2012 World Prayer Assembly)

Praise: God for His grace and favour. Long may it continue! (2Cor.4:15)

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