Guam: TWR has ‘dedicated’ two mega-transmitters

Written by Super User 30 Nov 2011

Global Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) was heard ‘louder than ever’ across Asia Monday, November 21, after inaugurating two transmitters it hopes will help to reach ‘millions more people’ including ‘persecuted’ Christians in countries such as China. TWR President Lauren Libby hosted what he called ‘a live dedication’ of the network's two new 250,000-watt shortwave transmitters on the pacific island of Guam. The transmitters replace the older 100,000-watt facilities giving ‘TWR the opportunity to touch even more lives with the good news of Jesus Christ,’ he said. ‘We thank God for the privilege of increasing our spiritual footprint in Asia via the 15.4 megahertz in the 19 meter band, the official added’.

Praise: God for the spread of His Word through the work of TWR and others across the airwaves. (Ps.135:1)
