Praise Reports
Give thanks for the hundreds of churches and thousands of folk who have taken part in the forty days of prayer during Lent, and for the positive testimonies starting to come in from folk responding to…
In Spain hundreds of processions take place at Easter. Some local processions of penitents can be very serious with people wearing white cloaks and burka-type hoods. In Greece, people hurl clay pots from windows and balconies…
Latin American nations have been under an unremitting assault from international abortion activists, with some allies in top positions of political parties. But last Saturday, Peruvian pro-lifers took to the streets of Lima to defend the…
A rescue operation by Indian police and International Justice Mission (IJM) saved 564 women, children and men from forced labour at a massive brick kiln. This is IJM’s largest anti-slavery operation ever. It took place in…
Two weeks ago we prayed about the Government's intention to liberalise Sunday trading laws in England and Wales. This week the planned changes to allow local councils to extend Sunday trading were dropped when MPs rejecting…
Shahid (not his real name) recently shared a picture showing him baptising new converts to Christianity on the same shores of North Africa where IS beheaded 21 Coptic Christians in February 2015. Shahid is proof that…