Praise Reports
Kevin Garrett and his wife Julia lived for thirty years in China, where they did missionary work and ran a Christian coffee shop. In 2014, they were arrested in Dandong, a city on the North Korean…
On Wednesday, all around the globe and in every time zone, students gathered at their flagpoles, praying for their school, friends, families, churches, and communities. ‘See You At The Pole’ (SYATP) is an annual day committed…
IS hostage Kayla Mueller's faith was so bold, so raw, so refreshing that 20/20 investigated her Christianity for an episode on the modern-day Stephen. A fellow-hostage (from Doctors without Borders) said, ‘She was always considerate of…
‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’ (Genesis 50:20) In the two months since Rev Jacques Hamel was brutally slain…
Last week Youth with a Mission hosted its largest event ever in its fifty-year history, in Kansas City. YWAM joined with International Houses of Prayer (IHOP), and they shared and encouraged each other, exploring what God…
As the US marked the 15th anniversary of 9/11 last Sunday, a YouTube video was released of a Bible recovered at Ground Zero after the terrorist attacks. The Bible had a particular message to convey. Joel…