Praise Reports
An evangelical Christian pastor has been elected as mayor of Rio de Janeiro, a city that is known for its liberal, left-leaning culture. Marcelo Crivella won the election with 59% of the vote. Crivella has a…
North Korean Christians don't pray for their freedom, but for western Christians who are more interested in accumulating earthly wealth and possessions than storing up treasures in heaven. They pray for more of Christ and to…
Where is the greatest church growth today? In Iran. Even though Open Doors USA includes it in the top ten hardest countries to be a believer, last year Iran saw a 19.6% increase in the number…
A missionary writes, ‘During a prayer seminar in one Christian church about 300 people attended. It poured with rain all day, and with it God’s spirit really descended. They were challenged to begin 24/7 prayer. They…
A missionary writes, ‘During a prayer seminar in one Christian church about 300 people attended. It poured with rain all day, and with it God’s spirit really descended. They were challenged to begin 24/7 prayer. They…
Rick Warren called the moment ‘historic’ when Alberto Flores became the 45,000th person to be baptised by the church. Flores was baptised along with his 13-year-old son, Andre. ‘This weekend is a historic weekend for our…