Praise Reports
Despite persecution, the Iranian church is growing rapidly with over 300,000 New Testaments printed and leading Iranians to Christ. Church leaders are asking for more Bibles as they believe large-scale Scripture distribution will be instrumental in…
Despite persecution, the Iranian church is growing rapidly with over 300,000 New Testaments printed and leading Iranians to Christ. Church leaders are asking for more Bibles as they believe large-scale Scripture distribution will be instrumental in…
Martin Wiltshire has become Britain’s second Cllr (Elect) for the Christian Party ‘Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship’ in the Town Council by-election held yesterday in Llandrindod Wells West Ward just 9 months after the leader of the Christian…
Martin Wiltshire has become Britain’s second Cllr (Elect) for the Christian Party ‘Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship’ in the Town Council by-election held yesterday in Llandrindod Wells West Ward just 9 months after the leader of the Christian…