Orissa: Persecutor turned worshipper

Written by Admin 2 09 Oct 2010

Once a part of the terrible 2008 persecution against Christians in Orissa, Sharda Tamo now has been changed by the love of Jesus into a fellow worshipper in the very church he tried to demolish. In 2008 he joined a mob that tried to destroy the church's building and climbed on to the roof to break its Christian cross. Today he visits the church every week to worship at the cross of Jesus. The church in Orissa was known for its community outreach and ministry to women and youth and well-respected in the community serving hundreds of people under the leadership of a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary. In 2008 the church was badly damaged and its congregation was murdered or forced out of the village. But the church’s days of being a beacon for the love of Jesus are not over, and God’s spirit has not left the area.

Praise: God for turning this situation around and ask Him for many more people in Orissa to choose to follow Jesus. (Ps.126:5)

More: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=8247