Praise Reports
During the Taliban rule those deciding to leave Islam were considered traitors. Since the Taliban was ousted Afghan’s government has allowed a measure of liberalization in Kabul. However, the situation for Christians and converts from Islam…
During the Taliban rule those deciding to leave Islam were considered traitors. Since the Taliban was ousted Afghan’s government has allowed a measure of liberalization in Kabul. However, the situation for Christians and converts from Islam…
A Christian in Pakistan writes, ‘2011 saw a turning point in the Pakistani churches freedom to pray as we conducted a 40 day prayer campaign from 1st Jan to 9th Feb 2011. God did a marvellous…
A Christian in Pakistan writes, ‘2011 saw a turning point in the Pakistani churches freedom to pray as we conducted a 40 day prayer campaign from 1st Jan to 9th Feb 2011. God did a marvellous…
‘Prayer Spaces In Schools’ are enabling children to explore faith and spirituality in a safe, creative and interactive way. In the UK, prayer spaces are spreading fast. Schools and youth workers say these creative, prayer/reflective spaces…
‘Prayer Spaces In Schools’ are enabling children to explore faith and spirituality in a safe, creative and interactive way. In the UK, prayer spaces are spreading fast. Schools and youth workers say these creative, prayer/reflective spaces…