Schools: Opportunity for fresh expressions of Church

Written by Admin 2 10 Nov 2012

A booklet called ‘Thirst’ from Church Army reveals potential for more school-based fresh expressions of church. Thirst was founded by Sue Butler, who was surprised to find that although the local school was a Church of England primary, the social and cultural gap was too great for parents to join in with traditional forms of church. The reports back from Thirst have been positive, with leaders feeling it has made a tangible difference to the overall life of the school. Church of England primary schools are an ‘open goal’ for the Church as they tend to be receptive mission contexts for pioneering fresh expressions of church; however there is a challenge in finding pioneering leaders with the necessary links, resources and skills to make the most of the opportunities.

Praise: God for Christian mission work in schools – may every expression of faith grow and flourish. (Ps.34:11)
