Displaying items by tag: Prime minister

Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus has been asked by Bangladesh’s president to lead an interim government. This decision came after prime minister Sheikh Hasina was ousted on 5 August, after violent student-led protests which resulted in over 100 deaths on that day and more than 400 in total. Hundreds of police stations have also been torched. The unrest, which began in early July with students demanding the abolition of civil service job quotas, had escalated into a broader anti-government movement. Hasina fled to India, ending nearly fifteen years of rule. In response, Bangladesh's army chief pledged to form an interim administration. Ex-prime minister Khaleda Zia, a key opposition leader, was released from house arrest, and her Bangladesh Nationalist Party now wants free and fair elections. Yunus, who has accepted the invitation to lead the government, is returning from Paris after a minor medical procedure.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 28 October 2022 12:29

New PM and government changes

Rishi Sunak is the first British Asian prime minister and the youngest PM for over 200 years. During the past two weeks of Government ups and downs the parliament lunchtime church services continued with the themes ‘A character of enduring faithfulness’ and ‘A character of enduring trust’. These services give opportunities for reflection in the midst of parliamentary uncertainty. We can pray for Rishi Sunak and all parliamentarians based on these themes, asking God to give them abundant grace towards each other. Where there was bickering, may there be forgiveness and peace. May each of them serve with integrity and honesty so that the nation can trust them. Pray that their words and deeds would please God, and should setbacks arise in these difficult times may they have heaven's wisdom to press on and achieve heaven’s objectives for the UK. Ask God to give the strategies needed to move the nations in the right direction.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 July 2022 06:43

Key priorities for the next Prime Minister

Following Boris Johnson stepping down as Conservative Party leader we can pray for God to move in the frenzy of political activity this summer. Pray for God to lead those who have a vote as they consider who should be elected. Pray for our next leader to be the person God uses to restore integrity to the core of our politics and a commitment to truth, honesty and public service. Before the current upheaval, the government had been reviewing several pieces of legislation. Now much of this is up in the air. Pray for our leaders and those who have a vote to take this opportunity to debate and discuss improved support for those facing financial hardship. In September the Public Order Bill and Schools Bill are scheduled to be updated. Pray that no government proposals or considerations on these bills will be lost during the summer recess.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 February 2021 21:09

Armenia: prime minister refuses to resign

Armenian prime minister Nikol Pashinyan has warned of an attempted military coup, after the country's armed forces said he and his cabinet must resign. The army ‘must obey the people and elected authorities’, he told thousands of supporters in the capital Yerevan. His opponents held a rival rally. The military's top brass was angered by the PM's sacking of a commander. Mr Pashinyan has faced protests after losing last year's bloody conflict with Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh - an enclave internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but controlled by ethnic Armenians since a 1994 truce. During the six weeks of fighting late in 2020, Azerbaijan not only recaptured areas around the enclave but also took the key town of Shusha inside it. Under the Russian-brokered deal that emerged shortly afterwards, Azerbaijan keeps the areas it has captured.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 01 November 2019 07:21

Lebanon: PM resigns following protests

Lebanon's prime minister, Saad Hariri, has announced he is resigning following almost two weeks of anti-government protests.

Mr Hariri said he had hit a "dead end" and would tender his resignation to President Michel Aoun.

Demonstrations across the country have brought it to a standstill. Banks, schools and universities have been shut as a cross-section of society called for the whole government to go.

Hundreds of thousands of people have set aside religious differences and political affiliations and taken to the streets to demand an end to government corruption, inequality and sectarianism.

There have been demonstrations from the northern and traditionally conservative city of Tripoli, through the capital Beirut and all the way to the southern city of Tyre.

Those taking part want the political class that has dominated the country since its 1975-1990 civil war to be overthrown.

Its current economic crisis is the worst since that period, with a black market for US dollars developing in the last month or so.

More at: https://news.sky.com/story/lebanons-pm-al-hariri-to-resign-after-anti-government-protests-11848399

Pray: that the issues of corruption, inequality and sectarianism can be peacefully resolved.
Pray: that the more militant organisations will not take advantage of this unrest.
Pray: for a just and representative government to be democratically elected.
Pray: that Lebanon shall be saved.

Friday, 03 February 2017 09:23

PM’s vision for UK’s future

In a keenly-awaited white paper, Brexit secretary David Davis today set out the Government’s negotiating strategy for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Launching the 77-page document in a statement to the House of Commons, Mr Davis said the paper confirmed the Prime Minister’s vision of ‘an independent and truly global United Kingdom’. Confirming that the UK’s strategy would be guided by the twelve principles set out by Mrs May in her Lancaster House speech last month, Mr Davis said the Government was aiming for ‘a new, positive and constructive partnership between Britain and the European Union that works in our mutual interest’. The white paper was published a day after MPs voted overwhelmingly to permit Mrs May to press ahead with starting withdrawal negotiations under Article 50 of the EU treaties.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 January 2017 09:16

Reactions to PM’s Brexit speech

In a confident and hard-hitting speech on Tuesday, Theresa May spoke of a ‘bold’ approach to the UK’s Brexit negotiations. She said that the UK will leave the European single market, retake control of immigration, strike its own trade deals, and refuse to be bound by rulings from the European Court of Justice. She also confirmed that MPs will put the final deal to a vote in both Houses of Parliament. In reaction to her speech, which one commentator described as ‘some of the most important words she will ever utter’, the value of the pound jumped sharply as traders were reassured that a firm strategy is now in place. However, others were much more critical, with a number of European leaders accusing the PM of attempting to ‘blackmail’ the EU. Also, Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that a second Scottish referendum on independence is now ‘all but inevitable’; her government has repeatedly stressed its desire to stay in the EU single market. See

Published in British Isles