Displaying items by tag: Donna Martin

Thursday, 11 July 2024 22:10

First A Sound of Freedom, now A Sound of Hope

One year after the impactful release of 'Sound of Freedom’, Angel Studios have launched 'Sound of Hope’, focusing on Donna Martin and her church in Texas. Motivated by her mother’s love and dedication, Donna and her husband persuaded their church to adopt 77 children from troubled backgrounds. The film, featuring moving performances by Nika King and Demetrius Grosse, delves into the profound trials and rewards of adoption. The movie’s central Christian message aims to encourage viewers to support foster care and consider adoption. Through her story, the film showcases the transformative power of love and faith in addressing the needs of vulnerable children, offering a message of hope and action to its audience. 'Sound of Hope' seeks to inspire individuals and communities to make a tangible difference in the lives of at-risk children.

Published in Praise Reports