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Displaying items by tag: USA Midterm elections

Thursday, 21 October 2021 20:42

USA / UK: ‘Build Back Better’

Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan has a $3.5tn price tag that could transform millions of Americans’ lives. The bipartisan senate infrastructure bill proposes $66bn of new spending on passenger and freight rail projects over the next decade as the Democrats undertake the most ambitious and transformative domestic policy agendas since the New Deal of the 1930s. It also focuses on a long list of social policies and programmes ranging from education to healthcare to housing to climate. With Republicans unified in opposition, Democrats are using a special budgetary process known as ‘reconciliation’ to avoid the 60-vote filibuster threshold and pass the bill on a party-line vote. Boris Johnson’s Build Back Better plans to support economic growth through significant investment in infrastructure, skills and innovation, and will tackle the NHS backlog while capping social care costs for adults. Another aspect was for a Build Back Coronavirus recovery plan: see

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:26

USA Mid-term Elections and the Need to Pray

By the year 2020, 40% of the electorate will be Millennial. According to recent surveys almost 70% of Millennials said they would vote for a socialist. The good(?) news is that they couldn’t accurately define what socialism is. Lots of room for education. So little time. Unless the Lord intervenes, losing this country may not wait until the ‘next’ generation. They are here. And given the special elections we are losing around the country, it looks like they have already kicked in. It is critically important to pray against the work of the enemy to deceive America’s youth – especially women.

Women outvote men in America by a lot. They tend to vote significantly to the left of men - especially younger women. That’s what the ‘War on Women’ was all about - appealing to under-informed women. Again, it is critically important to pray against deception.

Democrats need to win 23 seats to take control of the House. In the past 20 mid-term elections (40 years) the party in control of the White House has lost an average of 24 seats, with the exception of Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs, and George W after 911 when the party in power in the White House actually gained seats.

Here is the prayer challenge: 24 Republican members are running for re-election in districts that Hillary won. This is going to take as big a prayer push as the 2016 elections did. If we lose the House or the Senate, the freedom agenda will be blocked and impeachment proceedings will commence immediately.

BOTS have been launched to deceive corporations into thinking that there are 10’s of thousands of people swarming for change. Case in point: with the recent school shooting, BOTS have swarmed corporations that affiliate with the NRA. Citigroup and MetLife just discontinued their relationship with the NRA due to ‘public pressure’ not understanding that the pressure is the result of a few very adept social media manipulators. Also, the MSM has published lists of businesses who are affiliated with the NRA.

Can’t emphasize enough how important to pray against the work of the “Liar and Father of Lies”…. especially in media (social and otherwise). More than almost anything, we need to pray that God will awaken the electorate to the truth, and destroy the enemy’s attempts to deceive. Jesus referred to the “Prince of the Power of the Air”. The airwaves have been dominated by deception for decades.

We need to break the strongholds of deception over media, education, entertainment and the church. Yes, the church. Soros has invested heavily in seminaries in an effort to put a leftist spin on scripture. It was a brilliant strategy. The church is confused, dis-unified and unaware. The Catholic Church, for instance, is basically split right down the middle. If we can turn the church back to truth, we can turn the country.

(A concerned prayer leader)

Let’s do join in prayer that deception will be overthrown in the upcoming mid-term elections (November) and that people with Socialist and Leftist views will be hindered from being elected. Pray that the “swamp” of Washington DC will be cleansed from those who have selfish and wicked motives and that those the Lord has chosen will be put into power to lead the USA forward and in order to become a blessing to the rest of the world.