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Displaying items by tag: Arts

Friday, 09 August 2019 13:17

Arts in mission

We are made in the image of a creative God and our creativity can bring him glory. The arts are an asset in mission work, they are personal. Artistic expression and response prevent the Christian faith being reduced to formulas, programmes, or clichés and our complex selves respond not just to facts or emotion, but also to the sense of beauty or ugliness. The creative arts add extra dimensions to a person’s encounter with God. Humans hunger for stories and beauty and Christian arts can enlighten a dulled world, sustain Christians in trials, and spark hope in seemingly hopeless situations. The arts bind communities together. Collective sung worship, aesthetically pleasing paintings, sculptures, buildings etc.can unite people in communal devotion to God. Art can find soft places in hard hearts. Pray for the multiplication of Christian artistic endeavour throughout the world.

Published in Worldwide
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