France: anti-Semitic terror

Written by David Fletcher 26 Feb 2016
France: anti-Semitic terror

‘I had to cover my kippah with a cap to be safe in public,’ said Lev, a young Jew from Paris, ‘and I worried that someone would kill my daughter at her school.’ Lev’s family are now safely starting a new life in Israel: they went on a sponsored Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight. Lev was overcome with gratitude when this help was made available: ‘Thank you for helping us leave the fear and terror behind!’ He brought his family to Israel before both the kosher supermarket attack that killed four and the heinous Charlie Hebdo massacre that left the people of Paris paralysed with fear. Such fear and terror is being felt today not only in France but also by Moldovan, Turkish, Venezuelan, Spanish and other Jews. It is growing across the globe as Islamic terrorists slaughter the innocent.

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  • Pray: for the organisations helping those suffering from anti-Semitic terror to have the funding and manpower necessary to fulfil their mission. Pray for shalom, peace, for those living in fear. (Ps.18:6)