Germany: 200+ arrested at anti-Islamisation rally

Written by David Fletcher 22 Jan 2016
Germany: 200+ arrested at anti-Islamisation rally

German police arrested more than 200 people last Tuesday after masked right-wing supporters went on a rampage at an anti-Islamisation rally of roughly 2,000 in the eastern city of Leipzig. The extremists, who are known to police as hooligans, went on the rampage during a march by supporters of the anti-migrant Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) movement. The ‘peaceful’ demonstration was a protest against German chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy for refugees. German police said that as anti-Muslim supporters marched peacefully in the city centre, a separate group of 211 people walked through the largely left-wing Connewitz district before setting off fireworks, erecting barricades, and vandalising property. The top floor of one building caught fire. See also article 3 in this week’s British Isles section.

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