Slovenia will not accept refugees without full details

Written by David Fletcher 15 Jan 2016
Slovenia will not accept refugees without full details

Slovenia will request from Croatia a list of refugees who are being transported, and detailed information about them. ‘If it does not receive such information, Slovenia will refuse to accept the refugees’, said the state secretary at its Ministry of the Interior. The introduction of controls on the internal borders between some Schengen countries is a temporary measure, but Slovenia is ready to introduce additional control measures on its border with Croatia if the migrant crisis continues. Slovenia recently requested a meeting with the Croatian authorities in order to clarify its proposals about additional controls of migrants passing through the Balkan route, for the purpose of their identification. In future, Croatian police must submit with each train sent to Dobova a list of migrants with their personal data. If the lists are not delivered, Slovenia will refuse to accept the migrants. Some media outlets report that Slovenia has discovered terrorist suspects among migrants.

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