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Friday, 19 August 2022 12:26

“Teach us to pray,” was the humble request of Jesus’ disciples over two thousand years ago and remains the heart cry of many of His followers today.

Declaring the promises of God through prayer can lead to untold blessings and opportunities.

Candy Marballi’s newly released book, He Hears Her Voice, is a prayer strategy that offers proven steps to guide you to a richer and deeper relationship with God.

One prayer comprised of ten unshakable truths (grace, love, compassion, repentance, worship, commitment, dependence, influence, discipleship, and authority) will empower your prayer life.

Through vivid personal stories, meditative Scripture, beautiful hymns, and meaningful prayers, this devotional provides a grounding worship experience.

He Hears Her Voice will equip a generation of women to live out their faith in ever-growing intimacy with the God who loves them so completely.

Wonderful for gift giving, this book can be purchased through major book retailers including Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Be sure to leave a review!

Order from Amazon

Every book you purchase will impact a child in Africa.

Friday, 19 August 2022 12:26

We are excited to announce that The Prayer Covenant Children’s mobile app is now available to download!

Ten new animations, which bring each Bible story vividly to life, are included in each lesson along with fun activities and raps that invite the player to sing along. The Lost Sheep animation from the theme, Grace, recently won a Gold Davey Award! 

My Story contains testimonies of children from various countries sharing how The Prayer Covenant is changing them. It’s also a chance for kids to share their stories.

Play contains interactive, reward-based activities to motivate children to learn all ten of The Prayer Covenant themes (Grace, Love, Compassion, Repentance, Worship, Commitment, Dependence, Influence, Discipleship, and Authority). The activities begin with the first theme and the rest unlock one by one as they are completed, working their way through the tenth lesson on Authority.

This interactive app will help us reach children on a much larger scale, and we are praying it will encourage them to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus.

The app is available to download on Apple and Android devices. Try it out and share it with the children in your life, and make sure to leave a review!

More info and download links: theprayercovenant.org/mobileapp/

Friday, 19 August 2022 12:25

Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys!

Across each week of the year, we are taking you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel message. They represent billions of people.

Disciple Keys is ideal for use at home, in church, school, college or within a prayer or mission organization.  It has been written and published by 24:14 Coalition and Finishing the Task along with several other partner organizations.

Disciple Keys is available online, as a PDF download, Podcast, e-book and hard/soft cover printed copy

Be equipped, with keys to be a disciple maker!

Download, Listen, Find out more at www.disciplekeys.world

Friday, 19 August 2022 12:24

What would it look like to be one step closer to seeing the promise of our prayers for God’s Word to reach the ends of the earth fulfilled? We welcome you into an exciting new resource to take us deeper into prayer together for the Bibleless!  Introducing... Pray for Zero

Pray through this interactive experience daily as it zooms in on Bible translation in one particular region of the world taking us on a journey from Biblelessness to impact.

  • Monday: Bibleless People Group
  • Tuesday: Partners
  • Wednesday: Active Project
  • Thursday: Equipping the Saints
  • Friday: Impact

We invite you to delve in ... to go deeper with us ... and to share this pivotal resource with every heart longing to see God’s name proclaimed among every nation, tribe, people, and language.

Read Pray for Zero online, now

Missed the dates?... no problem!  Use this superb interactive prayer resource any or every week!

Contending together for Zero,

The Prayer Team


A Wycliffe Bible Translators Affiliate

Friday, 22 July 2022 06:47

Tens of thousands attending ‘Festival Manchester’ heard the Gospel in the three-day event in Wythenshawe Park that was hosted by hundreds of churches, in partnership with The Message Trust and the Luis Palau Association. A sea of people came out each night to enjoy live music, worship, and prayer which resulted in thousands responding to God's Word. ‘This mission was on a scale not seen in a generation,’ said the founder of The Message Trust. Over 65,000 people heard about Jesus' love for them and over 3,400 responded to the good news they heard.

Friday, 22 July 2022 06:45

Iraqis, Muslims, Christians and those of no faith at all tune into a radio station vastly different from what is normally heard on Middle Eastern airwaves. ‘Saut al Salam’ or ‘Voice of Peace’ is broadcast from a tiny studio in Qaraqosh and reaches 150,000 listeners, living up to its name. The programmes have no politics or conflicts. The broadcasters tell stories about the church, Christianity and Christian life, dispelling many misconceptions in the Muslim world that are passed on from generation to generation. For instance thinking that Christians just like to party and drink alcohol. Saut al Salam is changing wrong perceptions with programs on raising children, Christian music, and reporting cultural church events. Their highest hope is that listeners, a majority of whom are not Christians, will hear a message of peace, consideration and love.

Friday, 22 July 2022 06:43

Following Boris Johnson stepping down as Conservative Party leader we can pray for God to move in the frenzy of political activity this summer. Pray for God to lead those who have a vote as they consider who should be elected. Pray for our next leader to be the person God uses to restore integrity to the core of our politics and a commitment to truth, honesty and public service. Before the current upheaval, the government had been reviewing several pieces of legislation. Now much of this is up in the air. Pray for our leaders and those who have a vote to take this opportunity to debate and discuss improved support for those facing financial hardship. In September the Public Order Bill and Schools Bill are scheduled to be updated. Pray that no government proposals or considerations on these bills will be lost during the summer recess.

Friday, 22 July 2022 06:33

John Harding moved to Ukraine in 2018 and has appeared in a video appealing for help from Boris Johnson. He is a captive of pro-Russian separatists in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) who told him he could face the death penalty. He was captured in May, while fighting with the Azov regiment of the Ukrainian National Guard, when Ukrainian units defending the south-eastern city of Mariupol were forced to surrender. Friends and family of Mr Harding confirmed to the BBC it was him in the video, and his family are being supported by the Foreign Office. He had been in eastern Ukraine's Donbas region to use his skills as a combat medic and help in the fight against pro-Russian rebels. Also, British aid worker Paul Urey, died while being held by pro-Russian separatists. DPR Officials said he died on 10 July from underlying health conditions and ‘stress’. Pray for the families whose fathers, brothers and sons are being held in appalling conditions.

Friday, 22 July 2022 06:42

The Church of England has urged the Government to ensure age verification systems are put in place to protect under-18s from online pornography. The widespread availability of porn to children means they are growing up in a culture where violent, degrading and harmful sexual activity is being normalised. In 2017, porn checks were approved by Parliament under the Digital Economy Act but plans to implement them were abandoned in 2019 when the Government claimed they would be covered by future legislation. The abandoned Online Safety Bill stated, ‘pornographic websites could face large fines and risk being blocked if they do not have age verification systems in place to prevent children from accessing content.’ But now the Government announced, ‘further parliamentary consideration of the Bill is delayed until after the summer recess.’

Friday, 22 July 2022 06:41

Archie Battersbee’s parents, Hollie and Paul from Southend-On-Sea, have been fighting a legal battle since their son was found unconscious with a ligature around his neck in a tragic accident in April. On 15 July, Mr Justice Hayden ruled ‘it is in Archie's best interests for life-support to be removed as it is futile, compromises Archie’s dignity and serves only to protract his death rather than prolong his life.’ Archie's family appealed the decision. At the time of writing, the president of the Family Division of the High Court, Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Peter Jackson are considering arguments at a Court of Appeal. Pray for Archies’ parents who said, ‘Planned death is another name for euthanasia, which is illegal in this country. It is for God to decide what should happen to Archie, including if, when and how he should die’.