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Displaying items by tag: Nicola Sturgeon Vows Legal Action

Nicola Sturgeon plans to take legal action after Rishi Sunak blocked her controversial gender reforms allowing 16 year olds to change their legal gender without the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. Scottish Secretary Alister Jack has written to the First Minister declaring he will veto the Bill, warning of ‘significant complications’ if Scotland and England have different legal frameworks for gender recognition, potentially allowing someone to be male in one country and female in the other. He intends making an order under section 35 of the Scotland Act to prevent the Bill from proceeding to Royal Assent. Ms Sturgeon accused Westminster of a ‘full-frontal attack’ on the Scottish Parliament and its ability to make its own decisions on devolved matters. The Christian Institute and Scottish Catholic bishops have both called for the Scottish Government's Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill to be scrapped.

Published in British Isles