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Wednesday, 19 May 2010 10:05

A dozen church leaders remained behind bars Tuesday, April 13, over a week after security forces detained them in India's southern state of Karnataka on charges of ‘forceful conversion’ of Hindus, a major evangelical group said. The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI), which represents evangelical Christians and churches, said, the 12 pastors were detained in the district of Kodagu April 6 after Hindu extremists filed a police complaint against the Christians about forceful conversion. The Hindu militants and several police officers reportedly barged into the home of a Christian where the pastors were having a prayer meeting. The extremists accused the pastors of forceful conversion and took them to the police station for questioning. (See Prayer Alert 1410)

Pray: for the church and its leaders in India that God would equip them for the battle. (Heb.13:20-21)

More: http://www.worthynews.com/7958-india-state-detains-pastors-for-converting-hindus

Saturday, 03 December 2011 11:20

Kashmir region’s grand mufti used a video from YouTube showing Rev Khanna baptising seven young Muslim men and women to have the Reverend arrested. The video was linked by other online platforms provoking an avalanche of verbal attacks against the clergyman. In early November the grand mufti summoned Rev Khanna of All Saints Church to appear before a Sharia Court accused of converting Muslims in exchange for money. The grand mufti called the police who then arrested him and later arrested the seven men and women who were in the video. According to witnesses, police beat the seven in order to testify against the pastor. The Jammu Christian Federation called on the government to release the pastor since administering the baptism on consenting adults is his prerogative. ‘The rights of Christians are being sacrificed on the altar of political expediency and convenience,’ said the Global Council of Indian Christians.

Pray: for Indian Christians to continue to be entitled to minority rights and that Sharia Courts would not enforce laws on Christians. (Pr.3:27)

More: http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Kashmir-pastor-arrested-for-baptising-seven-Muslims-23237.html


Saturday, 04 August 2012 12:50

Twenty Bajrang Dal activists roughed up pastor Kamalesh and more than fifty believers at a prayer meeting in a in Bakli Village 55 kilometers from Raipur Chattisgarh. Men women and children were attending a prayer meeting at a house in a slum cluster on July 22nd, and during the prayers twenty armed men from Bajrang Dal openly identified themselves and threatened the pastor and believers. They accused Kamalesh of proselytization, desecrating idols and defaming and blaspheming their gods and goddesses. The perpetrators commanded the pastor and the believers to chant hymns praising Hindu gods and goddesses - the believers refused to oblige. The radicals tormented the congregation for 45 minutes and then left; but before leaving they threatened the women that they will not hesitate to violate them if they continue to follow Jesus Christ.

Pray: for God to build up and empower His Church in India as they face increasing anti-Christian violence. (Is.62:10)

More: http://www.persecution.org/2012/07/30/radicals-threaten-to-rape-christian-women-in-indian-village/



Monday, 29 April 2013 15:47

At 2:30 am on 15th February, 60 police officers forced entry into Christian homes in a village in Ganjam district. Pastor Jahaya Mandal heard the commotion and investigated, then police started to interrogate him about his ministry. Church deacon Korneil Roita was called for and subsequently tied to a tree and beaten severely. Other Christians were also tied to trees and beaten. When one of them shouted, ‘O God, O Jesus, Alleluia, Alleluia,’ the police increased the brutality, causing severe injuries. Four hours later police led six (including the pastor and deacon) into the jungle with hands tied and feet bare walking over thorny and rocky ground causing their feet to bleed. They were then taken 12 kilometres from their village and left in a very bad state. Christians in India are vulnerable to violent attacks by Hindu extremists. While police often fail to intervene they are rarely the perpetrators of violence against Christians. Please pray that the police and local officials will do more to uphold religious liberties in India.

Pray: God's peace, comfort and protection over those Christians living in pain and fear of further violence. Ps.12:5-6)

More: http://persecution.in/content/christian-villagers-beaten-orissa

Tuesday, 26 April 2011 08:48

Six recently baptised Christians were arrested in northern Orissa State after Hindu activists accused them of converting to Christianity 'illegally'. The six ethnic minority Christians, who had recently joined Good Shepherd Ministries in Mayurbhanj district, appeared in court but were released on bail, according to Release partner All India Christian Council (AICC). Their pastor, Mannuel Mahapatra, was also arrested and accused of forcible conversion. Hindu extremists frequently level accusations of forcible conversion at pastors – but allegations against those who are converted are less common. The state of Orissa has implemented anti-conversion legislation and its Freedom of Religion Act bans religious conversions without the prior permission of local police and a district magistrate. In Karnataka state, nine members of the New India Church of God in Mysore were arrested last Sunday after Hindu extremists stormed the church. Attacks on individual Christians in Karnataka also continue. Four Christians were beaten and charged with 'outraging religious feelings' after distributing pamphlets.

Pray: for the Church in Orissa and the new believers that God will empower them and protect them from the hand of the enemy. (Pr.2:8)

More: http://www.releaseinternational.org/pages/posts/india-orissa-group-hauled-into-court-for-turning-to-christ-830.php


Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:23

Towns and roads are underwater throughout most of the state of Assam, where the Brahmaputra river runs. Churches and Christian charities have joined the massive relief effort to an area which recently experienced a devastating flood that claimed over 125 lives and left nearly three million people homeless when torrential monsoon rains inundated thousands of villages in 23 of the 27 districts of Assam. At least 18 churches and several schools have been washed away or damaged. Reaching targeted areas is a major problem, as roads have been damaged and even washed away. 58 Gospel for Asia-supported churches have been affected. Water level is still rising. A local newspaper reported that 900,000 people are affected with at least 80,000 losing their homes. Livestock kept for food have been washed away. Food and drinking water are in short supply and many have lost their personal belongings. One pastor said the Christians are ‘tired, wet and weak’. See:

Pray: for co-ordinated work through the many agencies to swiftly bring relief to the victims. (2Sa.22:17,18)

More: http://www.anglicanjournal.com/nc/other/news-items/c/sliders/article/church-charities-rush-aid-to-flood-damaged-assam-state-in-india-10954//abp/141.html

Saturday, 19 October 2013 14:39

yclone Phailin hit India last week as a category 4 storm with 130 mph winds. Loss of life was minimal due to large-scale evacuations but flooding has inundated homes and destroyed 1.2 million acres of crops. The local government has set up rescue and relief operations on the campus of a Bible training facility. It will take more than two weeks to restore power, the national highway is still covered by three feet of water, and some areas experienced levels above five feet. 873,000 people in Odisha and 100,000 in Andhra Pradesh sought safety in evacuation centres and will be returning to their communities as soon as flood waters recede. They will find little to salvage, particularly in poor farming villages along the coast where the storm wreaked the most havoc. The government will do what it can, but it doesn't have all the systems in place to offer much help.

Pray: for Christian Aid and other agencies already in the area who are able to respond immediately, pray for uncluttered communication between NGO’s and government bodies, pray also for adequate funds to be released to meet immediate and long term needs.


More: http://www.mnnonline.org/article/19104

Friday, 21 October 2011 13:57

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery in India and has become one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. Homeless girls and boys become victims of violence, deceit and compulsion for sexual exploitation or other forced labour. Every day hundreds of thousands of minors are trafficked, sold and forced into prostitution and bonded labour. Helpless poor people, seeking a better life because of poverty, domestic violence or other pressures they have no control over, are brutally oppressed, often sexually abused, raped, beaten, starved and humiliated by those making a god of power and money. So it is heart-warming when we read, ‘Two minor girls stuck in prostitution ring in a red light area in Pune were rescued by the Christian organization, Indian Rescue Mission, along with the Social Security cell of Pune police on Thursday, October 13, 2011. Acting on a tip they raided the brothel and rescued Roopa (16) and Gowri (17), and the manager of the brothel was arrested.’

Pray: for God to minister healing to the girls and for more traffickers to be found and punished appropriately. (Ps.64:7-10)

More: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=9440

Friday, 11 June 2010 16:34

Over 100 Hindu extremists gathered to announce their plan to rid Madhya Pradesh of Christians ahead of a 2011 reconversion event ‘to drive away Christian pastors, evangelists and foreign aid workers from the district’. They said a holy Hindu assembly would be staged in February 2011 and they hope for 2 million participants. Previous gatherings prompted Christian beatings, homes and churches destroyed and the desecration of graveyards. The recent gathering of hate speeches and vows to ‘cleanse’ the region of Christians motivated at least one assault on Christians. Extremists repeatedly accuse Christians of forcing Hindus to convert and of paying them to follow Jesus. ‘How much have these Christians paid you?’ new believers are asked. 'We will pay you double for returning to Hinduism.’ Local police refused to provide security for Christians.

Pray: for the physical and spiritual protection of our brothers and sisters in Madhya Pradesh. (Ps. 18:2)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/india/20289/

Monday, 07 June 2010 18:56

Hindu nationalists on May 27 falsely accused a pastor of forcible conversion in Karnataka after disrupting a worship service. The Global Council of Indian Christians reported that the Hindus also warned the Christians not to worship in the area. Extremists from Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh barged into the rented home of Pastor Barmanagowda as he led a house church service affiliated with the Karnataka Evangelical Association. The extremists forced the pastor to the police station and filed a complaint of alleged forcible conversions. They warned him against conducting worship services in the village and told him to vacate his home and leave the area. On May 23rd in Andhra Pradesh Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh damaged a church building and installed an idol of the Hindu god Hanuman inside it. (This deity is believed to give courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion).

Pray: for God to give the persecuted church in India strength, hope and wisdom as they continue to gather in His name. (Ps: 25:1-2)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/india/21035/