Iran: State TV reports arrest of nine Christians

Written by Super User 21 Sep 2010

In its news night programme on Friday 10th September Iranian State television announced that nine people had been arrested on the charge of carrying out evangelism just outside Hamedan. In this report State television mentioned that two of these people were being supported by organizations that are based outside the country, in particular the United States and Great Britain, but they did not mention the nationalities of these people. In this report it has been said that 'the other seven people who were arrested are Iranian and were cooperating with these Christian-Zionist organizations'. This report labels the arrested people as 'Christian Zionists' and 'evangelicals' but it did not say anything about their relationship with Israel or Zionists. In the Iranian government culture 'Christian-Zionists' is a title that they use to call Evangelical Christians who are benefiting from having access to a number of networks and TV satellite programmes for evangelism.

Pray: for believers in Iran that God will help them to overcome the pressure of the authorities. (Rev.17:14)


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