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Monday, 28 November 2011 21:44

Compass Direct News reports that the mistreatment of Youcef Nadarkhani, amounts to physical and psychological torture, a source close to the pastor's family said. An Iranian church member said that communication with Nadarkhani is limited, but sources close to the imprisoned Christian indicate he has undergone physical and psychological torture. ‘Certainly he was hit, his telephone conversations are heard by authorities’ the source said, adding he has been in extreme situations spending time in a solitary cell unable to talk to others for long times and also is told he will be killed. Visitors to Youcef have seen evidence of torture, adding ‘long periods of solitary confinement can cause mental trauma, although we have not seen any evidence in Youcef of being in a bad mental state.’

Pray: for God’s Holy Spirit to continue to protect Youcef’s mind. Pray also for his speedy release despite not recanting his faith. (Heb.10:35)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/fears.for.welfare.of.iranian.pastor.facing.execution/28898.htm


Thursday, 09 January 2014 00:00

Farsi is the language spoken by most Iranians. Iran's churches are under pressure from the government to stop holding services in the Farsi language. According to Mohabat News, St. Peter Church in Tehran was forced by the Revolutionary Guard to announce that Farsi-speaking Christians are no longer allowed to attend and a church custodian of St Peter Church had to refuse admittance to Farsi-speaking members.Some had worshipped there for 20+ years. Sunday school teachers, elders, and ministers could not enter the building for any reason. The pastor announced that all services will now be held in another language. Iran's Ministry of Intelligence requested the church turn over all personnel information, an act intended to intimidate members from attending. Only a few Armenian and Assyrian families now attend St. Peter church. Now that all Farsi-speaking members are banned the church will probably close completely.

Saturday, 01 September 2012 13:22

Jailed Iranian pastor Behnam Irani is ‘already facing death’ after being denied proper medical care promised by prison officials. An update on his condition from a council member of the pastor's Church of Iran said he was suffering in jail and his situation was getting worse. Irani, who is in his 40s, was arrested in 2011 for 'acting against the interests of national security’ but several persecution watch groups said the real reason was his preaching the Gospel and leading Iranians to Christ. After being severely beaten in Prison and being found several times unconscious in his cell when visited, a hospital examination discovered a bleeding ulcer. Officials claimed he would be provided with more care – but so far that hasn't happened. A recent update reported he had a blood infection and may need surgery to remove part of his intestines which are the source of infection. However despite earlier promises nothing has been done. There is more of Behnam’s tragic story at

Pray: for Pastor Behnam’s complete healing and releasse for God’s peace and comfort to be with him, his family, and all in Iranian prisons for their faith. (Ps.59:4)

More: http://www.christianpost.com/news/iranian-christian-pastor-behnam-irani-facing-death-in-prison-80681/

Monday, 28 June 2010 16:17

The number of Christians in Iran has grown from 500 known believers in 1979 to at least 100,000 today. Church leaders have reportedly said that millions can be added to the church in the next few years -such is the spiritual hunger that exists and the disillusionment with the Islamic regime. Iran is a strategic gateway nation with a growing church that will impact the Islamic world. For stories of how God is transforming Iran go to: http://www.iranaliveministries.org/ Against this backdrop we learn of continual crack-downs on Christians by Iran's security forces, the most recent being a raid last Friday on a prayer meeting in Tehran where Christians were praying for fellow believers jailed in earlier raids. The Iranian Church is a growing, secretive, delicate alternative way of life in Iran that many are embracing. They need our continued prayers as they grow into their inheritance.

Pray: for God to comfort and protect his children in detention and increase international pressure to allow religious freedom nationally. (Ps.5:3,4)

More: http://www.bosnewslife.com/13141-breaking-news-iran-crackdown-on-national-protestant-movement-members-detained

Thursday, 01 September 2011 15:22

The whereabouts of an evangelical pastor in Iran remained unknown Saturday, August 27, some 10 days after he was detained by Iranian security forces as part of a reported government crackdown on Christian converts, BosNewsLife established. Abdolreza ‘Matthias’ Haghnejad, of the evangelical Church of Iran denomination, was arrested August 17 by Iranian authorities in the northern city of Rasht while making a pastoral visit, according to Iranian Christians and human rights investigators. Pastor Haghnejad, from the nearby seaport city of Bandar-e Anzali, has not been able to contact his family and ‘it is believed he is being held without access to an attorney,’ said advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide. This year the pastor was also detained along with ten other members of his denomination, on charges of ‘activities against the order’ but he was later released.

Pray: for the whole nation of Iran and the many individuals being held by the authorities, that God would breakthrough with His freedom and grace. (Lk.4:18)

More: http://www.bosnewslife.com/17976-iran-detains-evangelical-pastor-whereabouts-unknown

Friday, 07 October 2011 13:10

Eleven Iranian Christians who fled Iran in the wake of a government campaign against evangelical Christianity received death threats via email from a group called ‘the unknown soldiers of the Hidden Imam’ (the Messiah-figure in Shia Twelver theology). Christian Solidarity Worldwide says the e-mail calls on the believers to either repent or face extra-judicial execution. The ‘unknown soldiers’ are alleged to have links with Iranian security services. The emails warned that although they managed to flee Iran they are not hidden from the ‘cute eyes of the unknown soldiers’ - who claim they have been advancing to the heart of the ‘Zionist regime’ over a number of years. Meanwhile, the written verdict of the most recent trial of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is still being awaited. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the fate of the pastor may now lie in the hands of the local religious leader, Ayatollah Ghorbani.

Pray: for God's continued protection over Iranian Christians and for the global media support of Pastor Youcef to secure his release. (Ps.16:1)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2011/s11100006.htm

Monday, 11 July 2011 21:16

Following a huge prayer campaign for Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian pastor accused of apostasy by converting from Islam; (See Prayer Alert 4710) the Supreme Court has annulled the death sentence, however they sent the case back to the court in his hometown demanding that Youcef repent. For the past ten years Nadarkhani has been a pastor in a network of house churches. Millions of Christians from around the world have been praying for the death sentence to be overturned, at the moment it is just been negated on some technicalities. A Truth Ministries report (http://www.presenttruthmn.com) states it is not all good for the pastor. There are some mixed messages on the verdict. Typically the Supreme Court either upholds or annuls a sentence. His attorney said, ‘We need to continue the pressure through the power of the prayers of the saints. God is moving in hearts, let's continue to earnestly pray.’

Pray: that Yousef experiences the presence and peace of Jesus daily and for Iranian Christians not to be intimidated by events. (Pr.28:10)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2011/s11070011.htm

Friday, 19 November 2010 08:51

According to ww.presenttruthmn.com, the official death sentence verdict has now been delivered in writing to Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, stating that he is to be hung for the crime of apostasy. There are 20 days to appeal the verdict, and Youcef’s attorney is now beginning the process of the appeal. The prayer burdens surrounding this development are many, - that God would grant him peace in this hour, that God would move on his behalf, and that he would be delivered! Pray also for his wife and children at this extremely difficult time; a spokesman for Truth Ministries said, ‘We trust our great Lord to give her the peace that comes only from the True Comforter.’

Pray: for Pastor Youcef and other Christians in prison for their faith to be daily strengthened. (Jas. 5:16)

More: http://continentalnews.net/christian-news/iranian-pastor-accused-of-%E2%80%98thought-crimes%E2%80%99-to-die-by-hanging-3344.html

Saturday, 06 October 2012 16:05

In July we prayed for poverty stricken Iranians abandoning traditional eating habits which were too expensive; and for shortages of medicines because of sanctions. The crisis is worsening. The currency plunged to less than two-thirds of where it stood a week ago. Iranian authorities are blaming (and threatening) currency speculators. Iranians say the government is at fault. This week a petition of 10,000 names was addressed to Iran’s labour minister amid wide-reaching public outcries over the economy, and alleged Government mismanagement. Some are saying a Tahrir-style uprising could erupt in Tehran in the run-up to the presidential elections next summer, and Khamenei is considering a constitutional change to cancel the office of ‘president’. Meanwhile Mohammad Ali Dadkhah begin a nine-year prison sentence at Evin prison on trumped-up charges. He was Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani’s lawyer. Mohammad Ali Dadkhah co-founded Iran’s Center for Human Rights Defenders (CHRD). Several other leaders of congregations remain behind bars and need advocacy. See:

Pray: that the people of Iran would experience a better quality of life physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for true law and order in Iran and for God’s comfort, provision and protection for the Iranian church. (Tit.3:1-2)

More: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/top-business-stories/irans-economy-sours-currency-plunges-as-sanctions-bite/article4581735/



Monday, 21 March 2011 09:38

Last week five members of the Church of Iran were sentenced to one year’s imprisonment for ‘Crimes against the Islamic Order’. They have 20 days to appeal. The five have spent eight months in Shiraz prison for apostasy, political meetings, blasphemy and crimes against the Islamic Order. Four charges were dropped and they were released on bail last month. Most of the group have been in cycles of 'detention and release' by the authorities for a number of years and some have suffered severe levels of torture during previous detentions. In the period between his arrest and late November Pastor Sadegh-Khanjani was held in solitary confinement, given access to his attorney only once and is unwell due to unhygienic conditions and beatings. Pastor Sadegh-Khanjani from Tehran was arrested three times in four years for his faith.

Pray: God’s presence will surround Iran’s persecuted Christians and that He would influence decisions made concerning their future. (Ps.140:12)

More: http://dynamic.csw.org.uk/article.asp?t=press&id=1126&search=