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Displaying items by tag: youth vaping

Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:05

New Zealand: ban on e-cigarettes announced

Responding to concerns over the rapid rise in youth vaping, prime minister Christopher Luxon’s government plans to ban the use of disposable e-cigarettes by minors and increase penalties for anyone selling them to under-18s. Announcing this decision, the associate health minister stressed that e-cigarettes remain ‘a key smoking cessation device’. Retailers will face fines up to 100,000 NZ dollars (£47,000) for selling vapes to minors, and individuals up to 1,000 NZD. Regulations will also prevent e-cigarettes from being sold with images or enticing names that might appeal to young people. This move follows the recent decision to repeal the world’s first smoking ban, passed by the previous government, which aimed to pave the way for a smoke-free generation, after backlash from researchers and campaigners over its risk to indigenous people.

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