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Displaying items by tag: women arrested

Friday, 15 March 2019 10:13

Sudan: nine women sentenced to twenty lashes

President Bashir released all females detained for anti-government demonstrations on International Women's Day. The next day nine Sudanese women protesters were arrested and sentenced to twenty lashes plus a month in prison. In February Bashir declared a state of emergency and other measures including emergency courts across the country. The women were arrested for participating in a ‘banned demonstration’ in the capital's eastern district of Burri, a site of regular protests, and tried in one of the ‘emergency courts’. They are now in a women's prison in Omdurman. An appeal against the verdict was filed on 10 March. Protests against Bashir have happened almost daily across Sudan since 19 December. Pray for government leaders to rule with integrity and justice, and for peace and stability between tribal groups and military commanders who continue to vie for power.

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