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Displaying items by tag: widows and orphans

Thursday, 03 September 2020 20:34

Egypt: women struggling to survive pandemic

Maria, an Egyptian widow, was in tears when telling a local ministry leader that she had lost her job as a housecleaner due to coronavirus lockdown. She supports seven family members, including a daughter with two infants who is separated from her drug-addicted husband and a married son with two children who has lost his job and home due to coronavirus. She sold her kitchen appliances to meet their basic needs. Many widowed women in Egypt have lost their jobs to the pandemic and have no other sources of income, as the government has also suspended disbursement of pensions due to the crowds gathering at offices. Most widows are without a fixed monthly income or a fixed pension. Some have coronavirus, and some have lost a family member to it. Christian Aid has created WhatsApp groups for women and children and supports them spiritually by making prayer times and sharing sermons and songs.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:57

Protecting Uganda’s widows and orphans

Communities in Kampala are protecting widows and orphans from having their land stolen from them. Last year, International Justice Mission organised community dialogues about women’s and children’s property rights, to build the understanding that women and girls are also legally able to inherit land. One of the leaders of these discussions said that in his community a man died leaving behind a wife. Her neighbours who had participated in the discussions carried the man’s casket at the funeral and wore t-shirts which read ‘Stop Land Grabbing,’ sending the message to the community that no one should touch the widow’s land. In the past, after a death, a widow and her children were forced off their land. Now they have justice.

Published in Praise Reports