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Displaying items by tag: unborn children

The pro-life group Live Action has unveiled a plan aimed at halting abortion and the abuse of women. The organisation, known for its anti-abortion stance, is launching a campaign to educate the public about the harms of abortion to both unborn children and women. Live Action's president, Lila Rose, emphasised the need to expose the "violence of abortion" and its negative impact on women's physical and mental health. The group's plan includes raising awareness about the dangers of abortion and promoting alternatives that protect both the mother and the unborn child. They intend to utilise various mediums, including social media, to disseminate their message. Additionally, Live Action is advocating for policy changes and support systems that offer better care and resources for pregnant women, particularly those facing unplanned pregnancies. Live Action's approach focuses on educating young people and communities about the reality of abortion and its repercussions. They aim to create a culture where abortion is not only illegal but unthinkable. The group believes that through education and support, women can be empowered to make life-affirming choices for themselves and their unborn children.

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