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Displaying items by tag: transgender

Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:35

Comedy show cancelled over gender views

A comedy show in Edinburgh featuring the Father Ted writer and comedian Graham Linehan has been cancelled. The venue pulled the gig because it did not support the comedian’s views, which did not align with their overall values. Linehan has been an outspoken critic of transgender self-identification. He urged the venue to reconsider its decision and suggested the cancellation might be unlawful. He has responded on X, formerly Twitter, by challenging the venue to explain which of his views it found offensive. He posted, ‘It sounds like discrimination on the grounds of my legally protected beliefs.’ The organisers of his gig are looking for an alternative venue. Earlier this year another Edinburgh venue cancelled a scheduled festival appearance by SNP MP Joanna Cherry because staff were not comfortable with her views on transgender issues. However, they later apologised, admitting the cancellation was unlawful discrimination against Ms Cherry.


Published in British Isles

Ritchie Herron lived as a woman for five years and is suing the NHS for pressuring him into the ‘biggest mistake’ of his life. While battling mental health issues, strangers on the internet said he was trans. The NHS clinic he visited didn’t take his mental health crisis into account or counsel him about the impact of ‘sex swap’ surgery. The gender clinic diagnosed ‘transsexualism’ after two 30-minute appointments and prescribed testosterone-suppressing drugs. They ignored family concerns when they warned doctors ‘Ritchie was on strong antidepressants and had many complex issues’. Ritchie was then asked if he wanted genital surgery. Although uncertain, he said yes because ‘having surgery would make therapy available to him.’ The following year he had irreversible surgery and immediately regretted his decision saying, ‘Transition is being sold on a mass scale. It’s sinister. I’m proof the whole system must become far more robust. How many more people are there out there like me?’

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Nichol Collins was a transgender drug dealer for twenty years, then became a Christian after a brutal attack. As a minister for the last few years, she has prayed with people on social media to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When the pandemic spread across the USA she started getting calls from people seeking spiritual help. ‘People were terrified and started saying, “Hey I heard that you pray with people to receive the Holy Spirit”, Collins explained. ‘I always clarify that I'm not giving it out. God is pouring out His Spirit in the last days on all flesh. I'm just a conduit to pray with people, kind of coach them through it. Explain it, make them more comfortable. This is a gift to anyone who asks according to Luke chapter 11:13.’ Recently, more than 120 people have been baptised.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 November 2019 22:17

Ex-trans regrets operation

A Christian man is calling for more caution from medical and mental health services after undergoing irreversible gender reassignment surgery. His story represents a stark warning to parents, government, and medical and educational services, at a time when figures released by the NHS reveal a 2,500% increase in referrals to gender identity clinics over the past decade. After an appointment with a psychiatrist, despite having suicidal thoughts and mental health issues on his medical records, he was automatically put on a waiting list for gender identity clinic with ‘no underlying medical conditions’. The NHS paid for the operation, which he now deeply regrets, saying, ‘When I see and hear of books such as “10,000 Dresses” being read to schoolchildren, I see the same influence that led me to this harmful addiction. More must be done to protect our children, not to encourage them to pursue the same destructive path that I did.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 February 2019 22:01

‘Trans’ policies

Newspapers reported in January that hospitals are allowing male patients to share female wards if they self-identify as women, even if they haven’t had gender reassignment surgery. Dr Nicola Williams of Fair Play for Women said, ‘In an attempt to accommodate a minority, the state is sacrificing the needs of the majority at their most vulnerable.’ Last year the Government ran a consultation on transsexualism, asking whether current safeguards on changing legal sex were necessary. Over 100,000 responded, but how they responded was not published. Recently changes to recording gender data in the Scottish 2021 census were denounced by MSPs. The plan is to change the sex question on the census to include a non-binary option for those who say they are neither male nor female. Another proposal is to allow people to select the gender they identify with, rather than their actual biological sex. See https://www.christian.org.uk/news/plans-to-let-scots-choose-sex-in-2021-scottish-census-seriously-flawed/

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 November 2018 00:32

Trans guidance for Scottish schools ‘harmful’

Rev David Robertson, former Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, said new guidance on transgenderism sent to Scottish schools is 'harmful and totalitarian'. The document, 'Supporting Transgender Young People', was partly funded by the Scottish government and created in partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland and the Scottish Trans Alliance. It says that teachers should not inform parents of a child's desire to change gender unless the child agrees, and allow children to use whichever toilet and changing room facilities they prefer, adding, ‘If parents voice concerns about their child sharing toilets and/or changing rooms with a trans learner, they should be reminded of the school's ethos of inclusion, equality and respect'. The guidance also recommends gender-neutral dress code options and allowing students to compete in sports according to their gender identity.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 October 2018 00:14

Transgender - concerns over damage to girls

Therapists fear losing their jobs if they attempt to help a child explore why they may feel they were ‘born in the wrong body’. Therapists can only affirm a patient’s confusion or face being found guilty of ‘conversion therapy’. Meanwhile concerns are growing that teenage girls are turning to transgenderism as a coping mechanism in the same way many have with anorexia and self-harm. An anonymous child protection officer said, ‘If I have concerns about a child who says they identify as transgender, I can’t pass them on, as I could be labelled a bigot. But I have spoken off the record to GPs, education psychologists, and social workers, and many of us are questioning why so many young women are doing this to their bodies. We should at least be allowed to ask: “Are you sure?” It is a growing issue that needs to be addressed in a fair and balanced way.’

Published in British Isles

(and the “progressivism” that pushes this distortion)

Friday, January 05, 2018 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) A mother from New York is taking a bold stand against the LGBT mafia and its relentless and demonic war against innocent children. Kristie Sisson says that transgender activism and its youth-centric indoctrination agenda ultimately led her daughter, Danielle, to want to transition into being her “son” – and she isn’t going to stand for it.

According to Sisson, it all started when the family decided to move from Long Island down to North Carolina after Danielle graduated from public middle school. The adjustment process for Danielle was rough, which led her to seek acceptance from whoever would give it.
This led her to a friend who happened to be a lesbian, and who apparently convinced Danielle that she, too, was a lesbian – even though she had always grown up liking boys. After being enrolled in a private high school in North Carolina, Danielle encountered several biological girls who were in the process of trying to transition into boys, to which Danielle also jumped on the bandwagon.

In the fall of 2016 things got really ugly, as Danielle informed her parents that she wanted to start dressing like a boy and would soon pursue surgery to become a “male.” This took Danielle’s parents completely off guard, as they were unaware at the time that Danielle was being so innately influenced by her new friends.
“It took us completely by surprise,” Sisson told Breitbart News, “because Danielle had a normal childhood, did all of the typical girl things – from dressing up like the princesses, to playing with dolls, to wearing make-up, perfume, and jewelry.”
Sisson says transgender activists actively recruit young children on the internet and social media.

While Kristie Sisson and her husband say they never prohibited their daughter from interacting with lesbians and transgenders prior to this drastic change in Danielle’s mindset, they very quickly became the victims of LGBT assault simply for trying to advise their daughter on a better path.
Danielle was sent to a therapist who had promised her parents that she wasn’t going to just affirm Danielle’s desire to transition to being a “male.” But this turned out to be a lie, upon which the Sissons sent their daughter to another therapist who, in effect, did the exact same thing – after just 30 minutes of speaking with Danielle.

“I feel like it’s the parents against the world,” Sisson lamented. “The therapists, the doctors, the schools – everyone is pushing this very liberal agenda and this transgender movement, and it’s harming our children.”..
Many prominent organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES) that once recognized transgenderism as the mental illness that it is are now endorsing “gender changes” as well, which is making it that much harder to protect children from this onslaught of perversion.

“Transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws,’ writes pediatrician and researcher Dr. Michelle Cretella, a mother of four and president of the American College of Pediatricians (ACP). “It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us – children – and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community.”

The ACP is bold in asserting that one’s biological sex is a permanent fixture, and that it can’t be changed as the LGBT mafia claims. And to subject children to such lies represents a form of child abuse that parents need to put a stop to by joining together and fighting back.
Pray for the overthrow and rejection of this perverted and satanic effort to harm our children and youth.

Breitbart.com, NaturalNews.com

Friday, 05 January 2018 12:38

Government reconsiders transgender plans

The Government is reconsidering a proposed new law which would allow adults to choose to change their gender without consulting a doctor. Reports suggest that education secretary and equalities minister Justine Greening now has cold feet on the proposals, which would affect all of the UK other than Scotland. A public consultation will now take place only after civil servants have completed analysis of a separate diversity survey. This is good news with which to start the New Year. Last year the Coalition for Marriage met MPs and worked with several other campaign groups to oppose these proposals. It argued that they would undermine traditional marriage and put women and children at risk.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:41

Christian teacher’s transgender case continues

In November you prayed for Joshua Sutcliffe, the Christian maths teacher facing discipline for 'misgendering' a school student. See: He is now taking his employer to court after being dismissed for gross misconduct. The child had self-declared as ‘male’, but Sutcliffe had been given no formal instruction on how he was to refer to the pupil. When the pupil became irate Sutcliffe apologised. However, an investigation began. Sutcliffe’s claim of discrimination also stems from his school Bible club being shut down 18 months after it began. Sutcliffe said he was more than willing to answer all the unjustified allegations against him, and detail his grievances about 'equality' policies and practices, but would do so before an independent tribunal not school governors. The Christian Legal Centre said cases like these have become common as children are making decisions against their natural born biological sex.

Published in British Isles
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