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Displaying items by tag: togo

Guediawaye beach, close to Senegal’s capital Dakar, is suffering from coastal erosion, leaving residents with limited access to safe, local beaches. The Senegal Youth Consortium (CJS) has launched a project to rehabilitate the beach while empowering youth. Through cultural and sports activities such as swimming, boxing, and golf, the initiative attracts hundreds of young people each weekend. It educates participants about environmental issues, particularly coastal erosion, and encourages them to take ownership of the beach’s preservation. The project is set to create 400 jobs in the coming months; unemployment is particularly prevalent among Senegal’s youth. The country’s coastline is estimated to be retreating by 0.5 to 2 metres per year. Meanwhile, a new technique for combating erosion is being trialled in Togo: see

Published in Worldwide
Tuesday, 03 October 2017 05:31

Praying for children accused of witchcraft

“May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendour to their children. May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands.” — Psalm 90:16–17.

Bethany Children's Trust's training resource, entitled “the Heart of the Matter”, for pastors and community leaders, has now been piloted in Lomé, Togo. In total 23 attended the workshop, none of whom had engaged openly with this issue before. All have been encouraged and challenged by the training.


“It was a wonderful day. The participants are very proactive in the group work and sketches; they are asking questions and humble.” — local trainer.

“Alleluia, thank you for your quality training, your life and your fire that we have received.” — local community leader.

Thank God

Praise God for Gad and Liz Numadi of MECI, Togo, that champions the cause of these children who are accused and abused. Thank God for their vision, passion, and initiative to bring people together to tackle this issue.

Thank God for all who attended this workshop in Lomé, including some civic leaders as well as pastors from the churches.

Please Pray

Ask God to stir all these local pastors and leaders to be change–makers in their community, using their influence to persuade and empower others, and never to become weary or fearful of tackling the issue of witchcraft related child abuse.

Pray that the increased awareness of the harm that these accusations cause will change perceptions in Togolese society, and provoke an active response to protect the most vulnerable.

May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us. — Psalm 90:17

Susie Howe - Director

The Bethany Children's Trust