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Displaying items by tag: thieves

Thieves have smashed ‘irreplaceable’ 150-year-old stained glass windows to break into St John the Evangelist Church to steal foodbank products once again. The foodbank has been targeted repeatedly in recent months and organisers have warned that the project could be forced to close, impacting on needy members of the community, if the break-ins continue. Revd Derek Pammett said he was praying for the perpetrators and offered to help them. He said, ‘They are stealing from and harming the community; this must stop or the church authorities will close it all down. If you don't want to involve the police then perhaps someone could ask the culprit nicely to stop. This will harm the needy in our community if it's all shut down.’ Another person said, ‘Someone knows who the perpetrators are. The rumour is that our food is being offered for sale. We give it away free to an ever-growing number of people.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 04 May 2023 21:27

Peru: stop press! ?

Criminals in Peru have wrong-footed themselves during a robbery at a shoe store. Three people broke into a shop in Huancayo and made off with more than 200 trainers - but they were all for the right foot. The lame attempt at a lucrative robbery was captured by security cameras. Offloading 200 right shoes may not be an easy task.

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