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Displaying items by tag: talks resumed

Thursday, 20 August 2020 21:25

UK and EU negotiating teams resume talks

On 18 August, 48 hours of Brexit talks resumed in Brussels. A source close to British negotiators said it would not accept any deal that ‘constrains’ the UK to the EU’s rules and infringes sovereignty. They reiterated that the UK was still seeking a free trade deal with the EU, similar to its agreement with Canada. The source said, ‘We remain committed to working hard to find the outlines of a balanced agreement. Our priority throughout the process has always been the return of our sovereignty.’ Former Brexit secretary David Davis said that fifty civil servants going to Brussels to negotiate was not enough. It ought to be a couple of hundred because there are so many things going on in parallel. We are also negotiating trade with America, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. The Americans and the New Zealanders are complaining we’re not moving fast enough.

Published in British Isles