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Displaying items by tag: struggle for power

Friday, 21 April 2023 09:42

Sudan: battle for control

Plumes of smoke fill Khartoum’s sky as Sudan’s military and paramilitary battle to control Sudan. Fighting that erupted on 15 April has killed hundreds, wounded many more, and damaged homes, hospitals, airport and residential water supplies. The power struggle is between General Burhan, commander of the armed forces, and General Dagalo, head of Rapid Support Forces. They were allies and orchestrated the 2021 military coup that derailed Sudan’s transition to democracy. Now they are killing each other in the streets, and the conflict could lead to Sudan’s collapse. Pray that this will not happen and for a return to dialogue. The region is already grappling with ongoing conflicts in Libya, CAR, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Chad. All of them are theatres of ongoing armed conflict and all share borders with Sudan. Their conflicts have killed tens of thousands and displaced millions more. If the situation in Sudan worsens, all the Horn of Africa will suffer. See also

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