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Displaying items by tag: street evangelism

The Metropolitan Police has apologised for an incident where volunteer officer Maya Hadzhipetkova confronted gospel singer Harmonie London, 20, telling her she could not perform Christian songs on Oxford Street. Claiming that Harmonie needed church authorisation to sing such songs outside church premises, she threatened to confiscate her keyboard and equipment. The encounter, which lasted over forty minutes, ended with Harmonie feeling compelled to leave. A video of the incident, viewed over 950,000 times, sparked criticism for appearing to limit religious freedom. Harmonie described the experience as humiliating and intimidating, feeling belittled and that her rights were disregarded. A police spokesperson apologised, admitting the officer's error and acknowledging the need to learn from this mistake. The incident is under investigation by Scotland Yard. Despite the ordeal, Harmonie has resumed singing gospel music on Oxford Street. The Christian Institute is offering guidance and free training for street evangelists, who can contact them for more information.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 06 January 2022 21:42

Rejoice in His justice and hope

Throughout 2021 the Christian Legal Centre (CLC) has continued tirelessly seeking justice for Christians whose ministries have wrongly been impeded by lockdown restrictions. In July, it supported Joshua as he contested the fine given to him for evangelising in the streets of Camden on Good Friday. As he was sharing the good news of Jesus with the homeless, he was surrounded and intimidated by four police officers, who ignored his explanation before fining and prosecuting him. By God's grace, justice was rightly served, and Joshua continues to preach Christ to those in his local community. Also, new Christian schools are being set up all across the UK, bringing hope for generations to come. CLC is currently supporting 19 groups which are seeking to start new Christ-centred schools in the UK.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 25 January 2019 09:36

Scotland: evangelism

The Turning mission last August involved teams from many churches going out on the streets and sharing the gospel. This will start again on 2 February in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, and will continue on the first Saturday each month, with churches sharing the Gospel and seeing people come to Christ. Last year, approximately 300 people made a commitment to the Christian faith. Plans are also being made for a further round of ‘Leaders Envisioning’ meetings in late February, aiming for new missions in August as The Turning is rolled out across Scotland. Organisers have also produced The Turning Bible which helps those who have responded on the streets to understand the Word of God as they begin their journey of faith. This version is easy to read and understand, using everyday language, and is perfect for reading aloud. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 February 2018 09:30

‘The Turning’ grows

In May 2016 a two-week mission began in Reading. On the first day 80+ people accepted the invitation to pray to Jesus. Many more heard that God had an awesome plan for them and allowed a church member to pray a blessing over their life. On 8 June, Reading Christian Network affirmed that something extraordinary was happening. After ten days over 720 people had prayed on the streets of Reading, the mission was extended, and The Turning was born. It is now becoming a phenomenon - a gift from heaven that empowers ordinary Christians to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. What started in a Baptist Church is not just for one Church or even one town. The Turning leaders are considering the possibility of reaching three million people across Europe within five years. There will be a national day of prayer and worship at City Gates Church, IG1 1BH on Wednesday 21 February, to launch ‘Turning’ in London. See

Published in Praise Reports