Met apologises after gospel singer told not to sing in public place

Written by David Fletcher 08 Feb 2024
Met apologises after gospel singer told not to sing in public place

The Metropolitan Police has apologised for an incident where volunteer officer Maya Hadzhipetkova confronted gospel singer Harmonie London, 20, telling her she could not perform Christian songs on Oxford Street. Claiming that Harmonie needed church authorisation to sing such songs outside church premises, she threatened to confiscate her keyboard and equipment. The encounter, which lasted over forty minutes, ended with Harmonie feeling compelled to leave. A video of the incident, viewed over 950,000 times, sparked criticism for appearing to limit religious freedom. Harmonie described the experience as humiliating and intimidating, feeling belittled and that her rights were disregarded. A police spokesperson apologised, admitting the officer's error and acknowledging the need to learn from this mistake. The incident is under investigation by Scotland Yard. Despite the ordeal, Harmonie has resumed singing gospel music on Oxford Street. The Christian Institute is offering guidance and free training for street evangelists, who can contact them for more information.

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