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Displaying items by tag: stop domestic violence

Wednesday, 05 April 2017 11:23

Stop domestic violence

We have been told by the Police that there are greater dangers in our nations from domestic violence than terrorism. Yet it still remains such a hidden danger.

According to the Office of National Statistics 1.8 million adults between 16 to 59 said they were a victim of domestic abuse in the last year to March 2016. 1 in every 10 crimes reported are domestic violence...but that will only be the tip of the iceberg as many people do not report domestic violence.


Much domestic violence can be due to drug or alcohol addictions and mental health problems.

Pray that:
1) The victims will have the courage to seek help
2) The perpetrators will get help to deal with their anger in a healthy way.
3) The children who often witness the violence or are victims of the violence themselves. They often grow up to be victims or perpetrators themselves if the pattern is not broken.


Source: Coastlands & Gateways

Published in WPC News