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Displaying items by tag: starvation as a weapon

Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:27

Gaza: Israel using starvation as a weapon?

A UN-backed report has revealed that Gaza is facing a man-made famine, prompting pressure on Israel to uphold its legal obligations by allowing sufficient humanitarian aid into the region. The UN's human rights chief suggested Israel may be using starvation as a weapon of war - potentially a war crime. Israeli officials deny this accusation, claiming that they are letting in all the aid offered by the US and the rest of the world. However, the huge backlog of aid lorries at the Egypt-Gaza border has forced some nations to use less efficient air drops. Palestinians have struggled to access aid; some have even drowned or been crushed in pursuit of supplies. The US navy plans to construct a temporary pier for sea delivery, highlighting the necessity of better access routes. In another development, on 25 March the UN Security Council voted for an immediate ceasefire; for the first time, the USA abstained rather than vetoing the resolution. See

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