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Displaying items by tag: speaking out

Friday, 22 February 2019 09:33

Vatican: first-ever abuse conference

Catholic bishops are meeting to discuss the Roman Catholic church's response to the sexual abuse of children by members of the clergy for the first time. The Vatican says it wants four days of reflection and discussion with survivors and it is likely to be a defining moment for Pope Francis. Before the conference, Archbishop Eamon Martin offered a message to survivors and victims of abuse in Ireland asking for forgiveness and ensuring that church activities are as safe as possible for children and vulnerable people. Meanwhile women in the Contemplative Sisters of St John who were sexually abused by priests when younger, then silenced, are now speaking out. CNN has spoken to several women who say they are victims of the devastating sexual, psychological and spiritual abuse they suffered within the community. See

Published in Europe
Friday, 26 January 2018 09:52

Prince Charles urges western world to pray

The Prince of Wales shared how a Jesuit priest from Syria warned him that unless major action is taken, there will be no Christians left in Iraq in five years. ‘We are struggling to capture the immensity of the ripple effect of such persecution’, Prince Charles said, citing statistics from the UN that show the world's refugees now number almost 65.3 million people - close to the entire population of the UK. He suggested that, regardless of one's religion, people should seek to value and respect others, ‘accepting their right to live out their peaceful response to the love of God.’ He said he is ‘heartbroken’ over the pain and suffering inflicted on Christians in the Middle East, and urged prayers for those forced to flee in the face of the most brutal persecution on account of their faith.

Published in British Isles