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Displaying items by tag: shipping

Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:40

Iran: UK initiative on Strait of Hormuz

On 29 July Iran said that talks with the USA would be possible if based on an agenda that could lead to tangible results, but Washington is not seeking dialogue. Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, appealed to Mr Trump to ignore the advice of his hawkish advisers and seek a diplomatic solution to the standoff with Iran. Mr Trump has occasionally expressed interest in negotiations, but will not ease sanctions on Iran. Recently France, Italy, and Denmark gave support for a British plan for a European-led naval mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz. On 31 July Britain invited military representatives of the US and other countries to a meeting in Bahrain to discuss this initiative. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:03

Iran / USA: sanctions and sabotage

On 10 May US merchant vessels were warned of potential threats to commercial shipping and oil production infrastructure in the seas near Iran. On 13 May two Saudi oil tankers were attacked as they prepared to cross into the Persian Gulf. ‘Significant damage to the two vessels’ halted further movement. Meanwhile seven (Iran-backed) Houthi drones targeted two (US-backed) Saudi pumping stations along a pipeline carrying 5m barrels of crude oil a day; in response, the USA has deployed aircraft strike groups and B-52 bombers to the region. On 15 May Iranian newspapers reported that Tehran will resume higher nuclear enrichment (beyond the permitted 3.67%) in sixty days if no new agreement is reached about sanctions being lifted. The US embassy in Baghdad has ordered all non-essential and non-emergency staff to leave Iraq immediately, as tensions grow between Washington and Iran. See

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