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Displaying items by tag: ship freed

Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:17

India to prosecute 35 Somali pirates

India is set to prosecute 35 Somali pirates captured after freeing a ship which they had hijacked on 14 December in the Northern Arabian Sea. The rescue operation, lasting about 40 hours, involved drones, navy vessels, and marine commandos.The pirates, due to arrive in India soon, will face legal action, although specific charges were not disclosed. This was the first commercial ship hijacking by Somali pirates since 2017, but another ship was hijacked on 12 March. India has bolstered its naval presence internationally, and aims to police the Gulf of Aden to prevent Houthi attacks on ships linked to Israel. The Houthis, controlling most of Yemen, have threatened to target ships until Israel halts what they term as genocide in Gaza.

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