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Displaying items by tag: share the gospel

Friday, 24 November 2023 10:12

Prayer can change a life: Ready, Set, Go!

READY: Your prayer has power! James 5:16 One simple prayer for someone in need can impact their eternity. SET: One encounter changes a life: 'Today, I asked the gas station cashier how her day was going so far. She responded with OK. I asked if I could pray for her. She looked a bit shocked but quickly responded, sincerely, “Yes, you can”. With tears in her eyes, she asked for prayer for her anxiety. After I prayed, she grabbed both my hands and thanked me. I asked her if she knew if she was going to heaven. She said: “Yes!” I asked how she knew and she responded, “I want to go there because my dad and Grandpa are there”. I explained how we can know if we are going to heaven, and I explained the Gospel to her. I asked, “Now that you know, is there any reason that you wouldn't want to ask Jesus for his free gift of salvation?” We prayed together, and she accepted Christ as her Saviour today.' GO: Pray for the opportunity to pray for someone today!

Published in Praise Reports

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, called on the Church of England to ‘learn afresh how to share the gospel in the world’. He said the Church’s voice remains over-dominated by people who are usually white, male, with a certain education, and over 60. He is engaging in wide-ranging discussion with people from across the church, and intends to draw in and listen to the voices of younger Christians and those whose voices are not usually so easily heard in Church. He said we are going to have to learn again how to love one another, love the world, and love God so that we can be the place where God is revealed, adding, ‘We have allowed ourselves to become tribal and divided, with secondary things obscuring our belonging to each other. The Holy Spirit reveals Christ in us; and through us may we learn afresh how to share the gospel in the world.’

Published in British Isles

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

Can you imagine with me - God calling 100 million Christians to united prayer for the global harvest?! 

We know that Jesus said that the harvest is ready, but the workers are few. Pray then to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest fields of the nations. (Luke 10:2 ESV Paraphrased)

Would you join us in praying for Go2020?!

Together, we can reach 1 billion people with the Gospel!

For more info and to sign up, visitwww.go2020.world/prayer

Dr Jason Hubbard - IPC Executive Coordinator

Friday, 27 April 2018 01:10

Nepal: sharing the Gospel

Nepal has eight of the ten highest peaks in the world. The Himalayas cross northern Nepal, and rugged terrain makes remote communities extremely difficult to access. Six years ago *A, a Nepali Christian leader, climbed to the top of a peak and in the fading dusk saw lights flickering in villages across the side of the mountain. He realised no-one had shared the Gospel in those areas. Beyond that mountain there’s another, and then another, all the way to Tibet where there are many villages that have no witness to the Gospel, no believers, and no Church. Together with a discipleship mission training programme they shared the news of Jesus Christ in that area. People were receptive, and they prayed for a number of people who were healed. Now there are seven churches in that area, working together to disciple new believers.

Published in Praise Reports