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Displaying items by tag: senseless attack

Friday, 07 October 2022 10:46

Thailand: 23 children killed

Duangphan Patphaothanun is wandering outside a childcare centre, clutching a bag full of toys. She wants to know when she can see her grandson, so she can place his most treasured possessions with him in his coffin. Three-year-old Pattarawut is among the 23 children who died on 6 October in an attack at the centre, in the north-east of Thailand. Panya Kamrab, a former policeman, killed at least 37 people, including his wife and stepson, before killing himself after a manhunt. His stepson used to attend the centre but had not been there for a month. The motive for the attack is not yet known, but police said Kamrab was fired from his job in June for drug use. More than 90 children usually attend the centre, but because of poor weather and a bus breakdown only 24 of them were there on Thursday. Only one child has survived.

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