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Displaying items by tag: schools outreach

Thursday, 19 April 2018 22:55

Knife crime: overcoming evil with good

An increasing number of teenagers are carrying knives to school; some are fearful of being stabbed or being told to stab someone else. Children as young as eleven carry knives. When asked why, some said, ‘it’s to protect ourselves: stab first or risk getting stabbed yourself’, and ‘once you’re caught up in this way of life, it’s hard to get out.’ There are government initiatives tackling knife crime: tougher policing, mental health support, education, youth activities. But there’s never enough money or manpower to make real differences to complex problems. Each new solution barely scratches the surface. Above all, our young people need Jesus, love, kindness, time and security as part of God’s family. Pray for the growth of the ‘knife crime and forgiveness’ course run by London City Mission in schools. Pray for Christian outreach into the darker places of our communities.

Published in British Isles