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Displaying items by tag: schools breaking laws

Friday, 04 October 2019 09:39

Schools - religious education laws

A study by religious education teachers has reported more schools failing to meet UK legal requirements around religious education provision. 40% of community schools without a religious character failed to meet requirements to provide RE, up from 34% last year. 50% of academy schools with a religious character skipped RE provision for ages 14 to 16. UK state schools are required to provide RE lessons to everyone, regardless of whether they have chosen the subject for GCSE. However, 64% of age 14-15 and 59% of age 13-14 had received no RE at Key Stage 4. Many schools were getting away with making no RE provision because of ‘failing’ accountability structures. In some schools where RE was provided, parents took steps to remove their children from the lessons. 80% of schools did not plan to make GCSE RE short course entries in the 2018/19 academic year.

Published in British Isles