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Displaying items by tag: roots of aggression

Friday, 28 July 2017 09:13

USA and UK aggression

‘A Study of War’ reports that from 1480 to 1940 England or the UK was involved in 77 of the 278 wars involving European countries. That percentage, 28%, is more than any other nation. The USA has been at war at home or somewhere in the world 219 years out of her 240 years of existence. On 24 July Donald Trump’s senior military officer warned, ‘A strike against North Korea is not unimaginable’. Pray for Donald Trump to be a man of peace facing down warmongers. Meanwhile, Theresa May has been urged to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia. An Independent survey found that an overwhelming majority of the public are against Britain supplying billions of pounds of weapons to the kingdom. Since bombing Yemen began in 2015, the UK has licensed £3.3bn worth of arms, including £1.1bn worth of ML4 licences, which relate to bombs, missiles, and other explosives. See

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