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Displaying items by tag: risk of massacres

Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:11

Sudan: risk of further massacres

Last week Sudanese protesters were subjected to brutal military crackdowns, increasing concern about the future. Amnesty International reported that government forces continue to commit war crimes in the Darfur region, and blames the Rapid Support Forces (called Janjaweed by pro-democracy campaigners). The UN and African Union will soon decide whether to withdraw thousands of international peacekeepers from Darfur, leaving tens of thousands of civilians vulnerable to further attacks by Janjaweed. Tibor Nagy, the US assistant secretary for Africa, is calling for attacks against civilians to stop and for talks between the two sides to resume. He will also meet the Ethiopian prime minister, who has been trying to mediate between the military council and the opposition. Last week you prayed for an end to criminal acts of violence and for a negotiated peaceful solution. Please also pray for international engagement with Sudan to prevent widespread identity-based violence against ethnic, religious, political and other at-risk populations. See

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