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Displaying items by tag: restrictions lifted

Thursday, 20 January 2022 20:22

Covid restrictions lifted

Covid restrictions are easing as scientists believe the surge of Omicron infections ‘has peaked nationally.’ Hospitals in northern England are still struggling with high caseloads, but elsewhere admissions and patients in ICU are stabilising or falling. Covid passes for events have been scrapped. People are no longer being advised to work from home. Some firms are wary about rushing back to offices at a time of high staff absences. However Havas, with 11,500 staff worldwide, will be fully reopening its London office from 24 January. ‘Many of our employees want to come back into the office, but some people are nervous and we don't have a one-size-fits-all approach. We'll be talking to those people individually and finding solutions that work for them.’ The Government wants civil servants back at their desks as an example to other employers. The Chamber of Commerce called for improved access to rapid testing so that firms could confidently bring staff back to workplaces. See also

Published in British Isles